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November. 17, 2021

these THREE words Change Health

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Your body is mostly water; in other words, you are more ‘water’ than body. So, if you want to change your health, change the health of your water inside.

You can do this quickly and easily with the following three words. I recommend you practice them the way you would an affirmation; which is with all five senses integrated. Touch, feel, smell, see, and taste the affirmation. See it in your mind’s eye and really integrate it into as many senses as possible. This way, you feel the words too and hold the frequency of what you are saying.

Here are the three words, as you look at yourself in the mirror:

I love you.

Believe it or not, these are the three most powerful words in human language. And they can be translated from one language to the next and carry the same frequency.

To your health,

Dr Kareem
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