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December. 13, 2021


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Peace is often sought, although not realized; why is this?

Many opinions compete. Is it human nature to fight or challenge one another as we aspire for greatness? Is it conflicting beliefs that lead to disagreement in spite of good intentions?

Why is it that as time goes on, peace has not taken place? If we feel cared for, nurtured, and loved in our lives, what prevents us from finding peace within and also with others who differ with our own beliefs?

Some believe that it is honoring God — or their religion, set of beliefs, etc. — to disagree with one another in the name of their Lord. Others believe that there could be nothing more dishonoring of our Creator than to disagree and fight with one another.

Interestingly, neither one leads to peace, for each belief is a belief that competes and judges the other’s.

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December. 10, 2021

Exercise (how-to)

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There are plenty of ways to move your body and get a result. However, there are specific tweaks that you can make in order to make your exercise program much more successful. Today’s post is intended to highlight some of the most important tweaks that exist, in order to help you maximize the effect of every time you move your body:

  1. Know your body type. Consider these questions:
    • Do you have long, thin bones and long fingers and toes? (ectomorphs)
    • Do you have a natural v-shape to your body and shorter legs? (mesomorphs)
    • Is it easy for you to build muscle or do you feel hot, in general? (endomorphs)
  2. Will you choose endurance (ectomorphs), sprinting/athletic workouts (mesomorphs), or power/muscle building (endomorphs) as your main exercise goal?
  3. Always progress, even when you fall backwards and need to start again; in other words, today’s workout should be just a little bit harder, heavier, faster, or more intense than the last one. So long as you follow this principle, you are always progressing.

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November. 23, 2021

Fish Labels

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I saw Seaspiracy. Did you?

Wow. As with lots of documentaries, I could see the clear bias and setup taking place to make the movie interesting. This being said, it sure seems as though the fish that we are eating does not match what is on the label; or at least not in a predictable or controlled way.

So what do we do?

Well, one option is to eat fresh fish if available to you and if the ocean is healthy near you. Support local fisheries, and also take notice of what they are fishing. Do your best to eat fish that are sustainable, as well as caught in the wild.

If you live far from the coastlines, consider reducing fish consumption to a minimum and prioritizing other forms of meat and proteins. Or having a family-owned operation on a coastline freeze and ship you the seafood of your choice is a wonderful option, too.

I know I used to do this with grassfed beef before it became common.

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November. 18, 2021


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We’ve all met people who show charisma in the way that they interact with others. They are lively, they pop, and they care about what they are saying, as well as what they are listening to and taking in. This doesn’t mean that they are acting unnaturally. Instead, it means that they are taking an active interest in their lives, as if living is the most fascinating thing.

Take an interest in your life story, and watch it happen before you.

When it’s rough, take a step back and watch your life unfold from the sidelines. Once you have perspective, go back in with renewed enthusiasm. Go from observer to actor quickly once you can see the whole picture.

Your life is unfolding like a movie before you. How dynamic and exciting the character of you is depends largely upon you and your decisions. Take an interest in your life, and make your movie interesting!

Sent to you in hopes this makes an impact and you’ll pass it along,

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November. 17, 2021

these THREE words Change Health

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Your body is mostly water; in other words, you are more ‘water’ than body. So, if you want to change your health, change the health of your water inside.

You can do this quickly and easily with the following three words. I recommend you practice them the way you would an affirmation; which is with all five senses integrated. Touch, feel, smell, see, and taste the affirmation. See it in your mind’s eye and really integrate it into as many senses as possible. This way, you feel the words too and hold the frequency of what you are saying.

Here are the three words, as you look at yourself in the mirror:

I love you.

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October. 25, 2021

Spreading Love (Not Fear or Hate)

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They say that we are all connected within 6-8 degrees of freedom; this means the entire human race. Let’s make this more clear:

  1. Ann knows Bob.
  2. Bob knows Martha.
  3. Martha knows Albert.
  4. Albert knows Suzanne.
  5. Suzanne knows Fred.
  6. Fred knows Christopher.
  7. Christopher knows Rebecca.
  8. And Rebecca knows Charlie.

None of the rest know each other, yet they are all connected through one another. As Ann feels an emotion, she affects Bob; the cells in their bodies both vibrate similarly due to their connection.*. And since Bob’s cells vibrate differently due to Ann, his cells trigger Martha’s cells to vibrate differently and so on.

In short, Ann affects Charlie.

*NOTE: This is called ‘entanglement’ and ‘mirror neurons’ in Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics, if you want to look them up and learn more.

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