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December. 13, 2021


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Peace is often sought, although not realized; why is this?

Many opinions compete. Is it human nature to fight or challenge one another as we aspire for greatness? Is it conflicting beliefs that lead to disagreement in spite of good intentions?

Why is it that as time goes on, peace has not taken place? If we feel cared for, nurtured, and loved in our lives, what prevents us from finding peace within and also with others who differ with our own beliefs?

Some believe that it is honoring God — or their religion, set of beliefs, etc. — to disagree with one another in the name of their Lord. Others believe that there could be nothing more dishonoring of our Creator than to disagree and fight with one another.

Interestingly, neither one leads to peace, for each belief is a belief that competes and judges the other’s.

Is money the source of anxiety and fear preventing us from loving one another? Explain to the wealthy that they are to give up everything they’ve worked for, including food on their tables, education for their children, and what they believe will lead to future prosperity for those whom they love the most.

Similarly, explain to the impoverished that it’s fair for the top 10% wealthiest of this country or world to have 60% or more of the money available. See how they feel while they strive to make it home in time from work to parent their children and act as mentors while they watch the social infrastructure in inner cities overtake their children’s morals.

How about fear? Does fear stand above it all when it comes to disagreement and feeling disheartened with another?

Irrational fear — i.e. fearing something that is not life-threatening like a tiger in the jungle — is the absence of faith, or resistance to hardship.

So, with this in mind, can faith bring peace in spite of your beliefs?

Many think that the answer to this question is yes; that faith, no matter your beliefs brings peace within. And if this is the solution, then can we come together and honor that faith, alone, is a currency for life?

For faith — like believing that we are safe driving down the road in spite of the frequency of fatalities through auto-accidents — allows us to go on with our lives. Faith is what allows us to walk in front of someone and not believe they will stab us with a knife. Faith is what prevents us from acting in immoral ways, as we hope and believe that others will do the same.

We may love one another. We may choose to hate. We may judge others or find peace that their journeys are their own. And in the end, if we have faith that we are living with an intention to live our best lives, have we not found peace within?

When we find peace within, it’s much easier to find peace with others. It begins with us, with our beliefs, and with tolerance for each other.

So if you want more peace in your life, please find peace within. Build faith as you wish to, and with whatever you believe. Then, please tolerate one another, even when you disagree. Serve your faith, peacefully.

Sent to love you through words, not as a result of your beliefs or circumstances,

Dr. Kareem
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