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January. 10, 2022

What (or who) do you live for?

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What drives you?

What makes you survive and want to thrive and flourish?

And on the other hand, what threatens you?

Knowing and understanding your biggest drivers are keys to improving your health. Know what you are shooting for, yes. Know why and you’ll hit your goal.

For most people, fear is the bigger driver, which means that which threatens them makes them more motivated than that which inspires them.

How about you?

If you’re really honest with yourself, is fear a bigger motivator than success?

Let me give you an example: do you fear getting old and unhealthy more than you would like to lose 10-15 pounds to be healthier right now?

And if so, how can you build this wisdom into goal setting with your health, or with your life in general?

Sometimes, when we make failure threaten us in a more significant way, we not only survive and overcome the fear, but we also thrive.

Know yourself, know what motivates you, and then build this wisdom into any goal or intention that you have.

Sent to you with love,

Dr. Kareem
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