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November. 18, 2021


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We’ve all met people who show charisma in the way that they interact with others. They are lively, they pop, and they care about what they are saying, as well as what they are listening to and taking in. This doesn’t mean that they are acting unnaturally. Instead, it means that they are taking an active interest in their lives, as if living is the most fascinating thing.

Take an interest in your life story, and watch it happen before you.

When it’s rough, take a step back and watch your life unfold from the sidelines. Once you have perspective, go back in with renewed enthusiasm. Go from observer to actor quickly once you can see the whole picture.

Your life is unfolding like a movie before you. How dynamic and exciting the character of you is depends largely upon you and your decisions. Take an interest in your life, and make your movie interesting!

Sent to you in hopes this makes an impact and you’ll pass it along,

Dr. Kareem
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