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March. 7, 2022

I wish I would have known this sooner

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Each day that I wake up and take my first breath, I thank God.  I pray.  And I find center.

These are routines that I did not use to have.  

I would wake up, think about my responsibilities for the day, and then I would get busy.  

I didn’t make the time… I didn’t think I ‘had’ the time… I lacked belief… practice… faith… or at least endurance with my faith.  

These were my challenges.  

And through the simple routine of waking up and saying:  

“Thank you, God.  I love you God.”

…and then to each of my boys, to myself, and to our doggies, center is found.  Love fills my heart.  And my day makes more sense.

I have awareness.  

I’ve found peace.  

And what comes next is generally magnificent.

On your side, as it’s supposed to be,

Dr. Kareem
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