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October. 25, 2021

Spreading Love (Not Fear or Hate)

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They say that we are all connected within 6-8 degrees of freedom; this means the entire human race. Let’s make this more clear:

  1. Ann knows Bob.
  2. Bob knows Martha.
  3. Martha knows Albert.
  4. Albert knows Suzanne.
  5. Suzanne knows Fred.
  6. Fred knows Christopher.
  7. Christopher knows Rebecca.
  8. And Rebecca knows Charlie.

None of the rest know each other, yet they are all connected through one another. As Ann feels an emotion, she affects Bob; the cells in their bodies both vibrate similarly due to their connection.*. And since Bob’s cells vibrate differently due to Ann, his cells trigger Martha’s cells to vibrate differently and so on.

In short, Ann affects Charlie.

*NOTE: This is called ‘entanglement’ and ‘mirror neurons’ in Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics, if you want to look them up and learn more.

And the eight people mentioned affect the entire human race, give or take. We are all connected, and this is why fear, terror, anger, hatred, revenge, (deep sadness), and rage can easily plague society if we are not conscious about our feelings.

So, the next time you become aware of a particular emotion, observe it and let it pass. If it’s happiness, joy, love, altruism, gratitude, or another higher emotion, consider honing in. Make it as big you can by amplifying it and allowing it to grow.

And in doing so, Ann affects Charlie once more. And the world becomes a happier, more peaceful and loving place to live.

Sent to you with affection for who you are and how we all do our best every day,

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